Sometimes, especially when things are arranged at the last minute, the rent may still be in the process of an international wire transfer, for example, and arrive in your account only after the handover of keys.
Regardless of circumstance, it is recommended that the first payment for the apartment is made before the handover of the keys takes place.
Make sure to conclude a sublease contract and to write down the condition of the house and the furnishing in an apartment transfer protocol.
You can use our tempoFLAT Online contract tool in order to create the sub-/lease contract. The tool allows you to easily create and conclude your sub-/lease contract online. We would be delighted to help you create your contract if required.
Note: Make sure that the sub-/lease contract is signed by the sub-/tenant by hand. This is necessary because Austrian law stipulates that all temporary sub-/lease contracts must be signed by hand. If there is insufficient time to send the contract by post, sign it no later than on handover of the apartment, before handing out the keys.
When you sublet your apartment, you remain responsible towards your landlord for the apartment and the house rent. Your subtenant is only responsible towards you.
It is recommended to make sure that interested parties are able to meet financial obligations.
Within our SECURITY package, we run various checks and research on the seekers (employer, commercial register, internet research, credit check). Before concluding a sub-/lease contract, the housing space providers have the possibility to make enquiries about the results of our examination procedure. Furthermore the contract tool will inform you as soon as you transfer or print a binding contract offer with a seeker that has not completely passed the tempoFLAT subtenant check
Please make sure that your subtenant can contact you during your absence within an appropriate time limit, furthermore inform a confidential person (relative or acquaintance) about the sublease contract and tell your subtenant whom he can contact if you are not available.
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